Certified chiropractors in Kitchener can use acupuncture when treating specific types of pain. Discomfort and pain-related issues are topics your chiropractor will know a lot about and their expertise will allow them to apply acupuncture as an additional form of treatment. Chiropractors are qualified to assess, diagnose and treat conditions that are related to a patient’s muscular, skeletal and nervous systems and may choose to use acupuncture to help relieve you of your pain.
Acupuncture is an effective way of lessening or eliminating pain through the use of very thin needles that are inserted into a patient’s skin on specific areas of the body containing the pressure points that are being targeted. It is a practice that requires the proper knowledge and skills, which is why any chiropractor who will be performing acupuncture therapy must have the extra training required for the application of this treatment from a recognized educational institution. Only then is a chiropractor capable of treating a patient through acupuncture as well.
Chiropractors will use acupuncture for a number of different pain-related issues, including neck pain, headaches and lower back pain. Patients who suffer from any of these conditions will benefit from both treatments and see better results.
If you suffer from chronic neck pain, a chiropractor will be able to reduce your pain significantly if they include acupuncture as part of their treatment, which will result in better function, range of motion, strength and satisfaction on the patient’s behalf. The same is true of headaches because acupuncture is an effective way of reducing the number of headaches you experience whether you get them once in a while or often. Migraines and headaches will put a dent in your day and can be very painful, which is why a chiropractor may choose to incorporate acupuncture into your treatment to lessen the pain and even eliminate it altogether.
Combining chiropractic care and acupuncture is also very effective for those suffering from lower back pain and when these two forms of therapy are completed together, the patient will experience far better results and a lot less pain. They will see improved function and movement and notice that the pain is not as crippling as it was before.
Related: Acupuncture is Worth a try for Chronic Pain.
Goss Chiropractic provides acupuncture and chiropractic in Kitchener and will assess each patient to come up with a treatment plan that is most effective. They will consider your medical history, level of pain and your needs to apply the best treatment and restore your movement and comfort once more. Whether you need a skilled chiropractor or are interested in Kitchener acupuncture, the professionals at Goss Chiropractic can help! They will work with you to eliminate your pain, so give them a call and schedule an appointment today.