519-578-7840  339 Highland Rd W Kitchener, ON N2M 3C6

New moms have a lot to deal with, and while this is an exciting period, it also comes with many challenges, and for many women, the postpartum period is very stressful. Adjusting to a new life that revolves around a new baby and accepting the changes in your relationship with your spouse or other family members can be very hard. Additionally, you may also notice postpartum posture changes that have taken place. 

Many postpartum issues will need time to resolve, but postural issues, in particular, can be addressed with the help of a chiropractor. 

New mothers can improve their posture and decrease their pain by following these chiropractic posture tips:

  • Do Not Avoid Exercise

Finding the time to exercise when you have a new baby can be tricky, but you need to try your best to exercise, as this is one of the best ways to help the body recover after giving birth. You don’t need to get into intense workout routines and can start with brief walks around the block, which will help improve your posture postpartum.

  • Be Mindful Of The Way You Sit

You must pay special attention to your posture anytime you are in a seated position, and the 90-90-90 position is very helpful. This position refers to keeping your knees, hips and elbows at a 90-degree angle to decrease joint stress and help improve overall posture. This position is helpful for anyone who spends a lot of time in a seated position but is especially helpful for new moms. 

  • Be Careful When Lifting

Many women experience joint laxity during and after pregnancy because of the different hormones flowing throughout the body during pregnancy and the many changes taking place within the joints and organs of the mother. As a result, picking up objects you may have lifted with ease before your pregnancy may now pose a risk for injury, and this is why new moms must take their time and lift with their legs and protect their backs during any lifting activities.

  • Do What Works For You

Learning to navigate your life with a new baby will take time, and you need to figure out which routines work for you. Methods used by other moms may not work for you, and this can apply to sleep training, breastfeeding and any other aspect of being a new parent. When completing any new task, remain aware of your posture and protect yourself to the best of your abilities. Don’t let anyone convince you to try a posture that doesn’t feel right to you because every new mom is different. 

  • Schedule Regular Chiropractic Sessions

Again, while it may feel like you don’t have any time, you must try to make time for yourself; a healthy mom is essential, allowing you to care for your new baby. Regular chiropractic sessions will help eliminate postural pain after pregnancy, and prioritizing your health will allow you to be there for your baby and your family. 


Are you looking for effective treatment for postpartum issues? Chiropractic care just might be the answer. Here at Goss Chiropractic, we can help you if you are suffering from postural pain after pregnancy, and you can contact us at any time to schedule an appointment!